Born in 1958. Attained a degree in Illustration from Camberwell art college in London, then a postgraduate degree in Graphic Design from the Royal College of Art, also in London, and where I began wood engraving. Started working as a freelance illustrator in 1983, in line and watercolour for giftware and children`s picture books; pen and ink for topographical books and engraving for various book and packaging projects. Invited to become a member of the Society of Wood Engravers in 1984, and awarded the first Bewick prize in 2012. Prints held in the collection of the Ashmolean Museum.
生于1958年,在伦敦坎伯韦尔艺术学院(Camberwell art college)获得插画专业学位,然后在伦敦皇家艺术学院(the Royal College of Art)获得平面设计研究生学位,并开始木口木刻的创作。1983年开始成为自由插画师,为礼品和儿童绘本创作线描和水彩画,为地形学书籍创作笔墨画,以及各种书籍和包装项目的雕版画。1984年成为木口木刻协会会员,2012年获得首届比维刻(Bewick)奖。版画被阿什莫林博物馆收藏。
I have been engraving for 40 years, both for commissioned illustrations for books and for commercial projects, and also as a means for exploring my own enthusiasms. I like to capture the essence of landscapes and of places which inspire me, enjoying the decorative qualities of the marks which the engraving tools make on a darkened woodblock. I enjoy interpreting subjects which range from flowers and foliage in a garden border, to rocks, waves, and splashes of coast and river, or the shapes and textures of trees in a wood. I enjoy engraving images of traditional architecture and cityscapes, exploring the patterns made by bricks, tiles, and timber. Over the years I have illustrated books for the Folio Society, and also engraved images for food packaging, but recently I have concentrated on making engravings for exhibitions so that I can continue to work on my own ideas based on landscapes near my home and on inspiring places I have visited over the years.
我从事雕版工作已有40余年,为书籍或商业项目制作插图,也是我自己的喜好所在。我喜欢捕捉户外风景和给我灵感的地方的精髓,欣赏雕版工具在深色木面上留下的刻痕的装饰性。我的作品的内容包括花园中的花草植物,海岸和河流的岩石、波浪和水花,或者是树林中树木的形状和纹理。我喜欢雕刻传统建筑和城市景观的图像,探索砖头、瓦片和木材等所组成的图案。多年来,我曾为对开本协会(the Folio Society)的书籍绘制插图,也为食品包装雕刻图像,但最近我专注于创作可供展览的木口木刻作品,以此表述我自己的想法,我的创作灵感来源于我家附近的风景,以及我多年来所去过的地方。